Traveling Tips for Holiday Season

(Photo credit: Money Inc)
Traveling during the holiday season can be very stressful. Plane tickets skyrockets, airports are full, flights are delayed and it is extremely difficult to book your preferred seat. Follow these tips to have a stress free trip this holiday season.
Plan ahead
Planning ahead. Book your plane ticket early enough to take advantage of lower rates. Google Flights is a great way to track ticket prices, all you have to do is provide your destinations, preferred travel dates, and switch on the ‘track prices’ tab. You will receive an email anytime there is a change in prices for the dates you chose.
Arrive early to the airport
(Photo credit: J. David Buerk)h
Arriving at the airport earlier than the stipulated boarding time will make a whole lot of differences. You will have more than enough time to check in, rearrange your luggage if necessary, go through TSA and even shop Duty Free
Rest well before your flight
(Photo credit: CNN)
This is really important because of possible challenges you could face. Airports will be crowded, flights will be delayed, there will be crying babies and grumpy children. You need your mind to be well rested in order to deal with all the stress you will encounter and sharp enough to make last-minute decisions.
Breeze through TSA
(Photo credit: @mimimendoza1)

Spend less time at TSA by knowing what you can and cannot board with in a plane. Items such as a knife, lighters, blade, nail files and liquids are prohibited. Visit TSA for the complete list of prohibited items.


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